Humpback Whale Calf Smiling for us

Sun, 03 Sep 2017

By Eco Ranger Tessa

Baby Whale Smiles!

Guests on board the Tangalooma Jet were gifted with bountiful whale activity on today's whale watch cruise! The cruise began in waters north of Comboyuro Point, where we discovered a pod consisting of a mother, her calf, and an escort. This pod was full of energy as the mother repeatedly pec slapped, with her tiny calf also head lunging and breaching! It was quite fascinating with the calf, as every time it head lunged, it opened its mouth mid-air! The calf may have been practicing its hunting techniques for later on in life, or may have been breathing in large gulps of air.

After 30 minutes of watching this pod, the escort decided to depart from the mother-calf pair as it headed in a different direction. We then continued onto Cape Moreton waters. Off Cape Moreton, we soon discovered more pods of Humpbacks, where they performed many peduncle throws and tail slaps!

It was an epic whale watch today with 8 Humpback Whale sightings (4 adults, 3 juveniles and 1 smiling little calf) and guests got to witness a wide variety of these mammals incredible behaviours. 

About the author

Eco Ranger Tessa

Tessa is one of the many Eco Rangers at Tangalooma Island Resort's Marine Education and Conservation Centre. Tessa often joins in on the Whale Watching Cruise as the on board Eco Ranger commentator.

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